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- About Mindlogos
What does Mindlogos mean? What is Mindlogoing? What is this all about? We can't promise to answer all your questions on this site but that's what face-to-face and phone calls are for! :-) If you don't get your questions fully answered, contact us.
- Benefits of Life Coaching
We are enthusiastic and passionate about what we can do for you, now it's up to you to discover that.
- The Advantage
Why should anyone choose Mindlogos? What makes Mindlogos a good choice? Where does Mindlogos stand against similar services provided by other social service professionals?
- Abella Arthur
Arthur is the principal Mindlogoer and owner of Mindlogos. Find out a bit about Abella.
- Extended Bio
Was the bit, not enough? Enjoy this extended bio!
- The Birth
How did Mindlogos come to being? What prompted all of this?
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